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方通铝型材定制 型材方通工程案例

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品牌:宏铝方通 规格:按要求加工 材质:
产地:广州市 产品形状:波浪形 弧形 条形 定制 用途:建筑装饰 墙面装饰 室内吊顶 护墙
工艺:拉伸 拉弯 挤压 折弯 功能:通风防火 环保 美观




Aluminum square tube can be divided into aluminum Fangtong aluminum square tube and profile.

Aluminum square through continuous rolling or cold forming, installation structure for special keel buckle type structure, strip buckle, similar to the common installation method is simple and convenient, suitable for interior decoration (keel design wind card code).



With the characteristics of aluminum profiles of aluminum side ventilation extrusion molding, product hardness, straightness far more than other products, the installation structure for the upper main component with screws and bone, built in connection with the profile of the hammer, wind resistance, suitable for outdoor decoration (Keel spacing can be adjusted). Special aluminum through curved curved Korah, aluminum Fangtong for designers to provide a broader concept of space, to create a more unique and beautiful works.

  • 联系人: 黄海生 先生
  • 职位: 项目经理
  • 真: 020-29063186
  • 电话: 0151-02006189
  • 手机: 15102006189
  • 址: 广东省 广州市 广州市番禺区石基前锋工业园