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bently 3500/53 超速检测模块





133388-01  3500/53 超速检测模块
133396-01 超速检测I/O 模块
288062-01 3500/53M Overspeed Detection Module
323133-01 Overspeed Detection I/O Module

3500/53M Electronic Overspeed Detection System


@Bentley 3500/53 overspeed protection module is designed as a channel module, which is applicable to overspeed protection applications of two module or three module groups

Bentley 3500/53 overspeed protection module is designed as a channel module, which is applicable to overspeed protection applications of two module or three module groups. The module receives a speed pulse input signal from a proximity sensor or magnetoelectric sensor and uses this input signal to drive an alarm. In order to achieve machine protection purposes, the module provides four types of fast response alarm relay outputs. The 3500 overspeed protection system is configured as a two module two choice meter block or a three module two choice voting setting.

The basic purpose of the 3500 overspeed protection system is to provide 1) drive alarms by continuously comparing the current machine speed with configured alarm setpoints to achieve machine protection, and 2) provide important machine speed information to operators and maintenance personnel. Use the 3500 rack configuration software to set alarm setpoints.

When shipped from the factory, the 3500/53 is not configured. When needed, in order to achieve the required monitoring functions, the 3500/53 can be installed and configured into the 3500 rack.

As part of the 3500 machine management and protection system, the three channel 3500/53 overspeed protection system provides high reliability overspeed protection. The three channel overspeed protection system includes a 3500 rack, a 3500 power supply, a rack interface module, and three independent overspeed protection modules. Three independent sensor inputs are required. The 3500/53 module can be installed in any slot (2-15) on the right side of the frame interface module, but the three module groups must be installed adjacent. Only one set of overspeed protection systems can be installed in each 3500 rack. The 3500/53 overspeed protection system can be installed in a 3500 rack with other 3500 monitoring functions.

The three channel overspeed protection system provides three independent speed monitoring channels. When giving an alarm, the three channel overspeed protection system can be configured to provide a voting function of 2 out of 3. When equipped with this function, the alarm outputs from each module must be compared and the two modules must be consistent before the relay is driven.

133388-01 3500/53 Overspeed Detection Module

133396-01 Overspeed detection I/O module

288062-01 3500/53M Overspeed Detection Module

323133-01 Overspeed Detection I/O Module

Common models




3500/53M Electronic Overspeed Detection System

bently 3500/53 超速检测模块



3500/72M 活塞杆位置监测器

3500/77M 汽缸压力监测器

3500/63 气体监测器

3500/92 通讯网关

3500/93 LCD 显示装置

3500/94 VGA 显示装置

3500/95 系统综合 PC 显示装置 

3500/40M Proximitor? 监测器模块:通道类型-径向振动、轴向位移、偏心、差胀

3500/42M Proximitor? /位移/速度加速度监测器模块:通道类型-加速度、速度、轴振动

3500/45 位置监测器模块:通道类型-轴向位移、差胀、斜面差胀、壳胀、阀门位置


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3500/42M 140734-023500/40M 176449-013500/53M 286566-01
3500/22M 288055-013500/40M 176449-013500/64M 176449-05

  • 联系人: 吴工 女士
  • 电话: 0592-5085207
  • 手机: 18030175270
  • 地址: 福建省 厦门市 思明区湖滨南路388号国贸大厦32D单元